Juan Gallegos' Digital Portfolio

Public Relations

Public Relations

As Communications Coordinator for the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, I managed media coverage for all the organization’s advocacy campaigns throughout the state.

For each campaign, I was in charge of drafting press releases for each media market and supporting organizers in their quest to gather media attention.

Below is a copy of a press release written to target the Pueblo, CO, media market, along with all the media coverage for that campaign throughout the state.

Press Release

For Immediate Release 

Friday, July 26, 2013 

Contact: Caroline Casteel, caroline@progressivecoalition.org, (720) 938-0724 


Pueblo Business Owners Announce Statewide “Buy-cott”

Business owners urge Coloradans to vote with their wallets and shop at businesses publicly supporting immigration reform legislation

Pueblo, CO– Colorado small business owners and professional associations supportive of comprehensive immigration reform announced a statewide “buy-cott” campaign to run Aug. 4-10. These business owners urged Coloradans to vote with their wallets and shop at businesses publicly supporting a comprehensive immigration reform bill. 

Small businesses in Colorado called on leaders in the House to listen to their voices and stop impeding economic progress in our country by blocking immigration reform that small businesses across the country want and need: 

“I feel there is something that links the immigrant and small business communities, and that’s a risk-taking spirit,” said Jared Burbank, owner of J&J Coins. “For the undocumented, there are obstacles at every turn, and without the privilege of the basic protections that we enjoy as citizens. I started my business because I wanted to create opportunities for myself and for my family and be part of a thriving community in a strong state and nation. I know that our immigrant friends and neighbors are just looking for these same simple things.” 

“Immigration reform holds great potential to strengthen small businesses, boost Colorado’s economy and strengthen the country’s bottom line,” said Mary Oreskovich, owner of Hopscotch Bakery.  She thanked the Senate for passing a bill with bipartisan support and called on the House to do the same. “The choice for the House is simple: pass immigration reform that creates jobs, boosts local economies, and saves the country nearly $1 trillion (about $3,100 per person in the US) … or don’t pass it, and know you’ll have a lot of explaining to do.”  

Zach Werkowitch, a labor organizer, called on Coloradans to make the right choice. “If, like me, you care about this town and its future and you know that immigration reform is the right thing to do and the smart thing to do, then I urge you to get out next week and shop wherever you see this purple poster around town. Support the businesses that show their support for immigration reform so we can send our congressional delegation a message that the time is now and that this decision affects us all.” 


This press event is co-sponsored by the Colorado Main Street Alliance, Rights for All People, Colorado Progressive Coalition, Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, NAACP, and Bend the Arc for Justice. 


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