About Us
Who we are and what we do:
We strategize, we design, and we develop digital materials, websites, art, and print media to support ideas that promote justice and equity. As a queer/immigrant-owned and operated consulting business, we tap into the intersections of society, and we build the power to change the world. We strongly believe that a well executed campaign, starts with a well expressed vision.
We strongly believe and affirm that Black lives matter, that no human being is illegal, that we are standing on stolen land, and that our planet is worth fighting for. Sometimes you will find us working directly with political campaigns, candidates, and non-profit organizations to strategize and support them in their quest to change the minds and hearts of those in power both voters and elected/appointed officials.
We believe that a better world is possible, and we are actively working to build it. If you are ready to co-conspire with us, in a non-exploitative way, we would love to sit down and talk.

About Juan Gallegos,
Founder and CEO:
When I was 12 years old, my parents left everything they knew behind, to try and give my brothers and me, a better opportunity at life. Today, I am proud to say that their dreams are a reality.
I launched Factor X, LLC with the hope that I could make use of my skills, my experience, and my passion to further the political conversation for the people.
With over 12 years of advocacy, campaign design, and website design experience. I can help you figure out the best strategies to reach your base, grow your movement, and move elected officials to support policies that further justice and equity.
Brand Identity
Your brand is not just a logo, a slogan, or a look. Your brand is your “palabra” or your promise. Your brand is yours to define and to give it meaning, and we can help.
Graphic Design
We create visual content to communicate with your audience. We use photography, iconography, and illustration to communicate ideas and move people to action.
Campaign Strategy
A campaign is an organized, purposeful effort to create change. Strategists, often forget important stakeholders in their strategy, we center those forgotten voices.
Web Design
We wireframe, mock-up, and build beautiful websites, that your base, or your costumers will love. With a graphic design background, and knowledge of layout, typography, color pallets, and all aspects of design, we bring your vision to life.
Web Development
We take care of the code, setting up your domain, plug-ins, database forms, etc. We code, so that you don’t have to, and we can train you on how to manage your own website for future content updates.